Monday, April 2, 2012

Hamlet love letter

Dear Ophelia,
        I just wanted to tell you how much I care and think about you all the time.  If we can not be together, I think I could go insane and not be able to live a normal life again.  All I do is think about you and how amazingly pretty you are, and how cute we are together.  I also wanted to ask you if you would like to go out to lunch with me this weekend, maybe Saturday around 7.  There is a new restaurant just outside the castle and I think you would love it.
                                                                              See ya soon
                                                                                Hamlet xoxo


Rachael Ciccone said...

I think this was cute and I liked how it was straight forward and to the point. Though, it does not really portray the love they really share. It seems more of just Hamlet asking a girl out that his parents don't approve of. It does not show that Hamlet really loves this girl. Overall it was cute, though!

TimHegedus said...

I liked this letter as it expressed the basic love Hamlet had for Ophelia. Do you think he would have sounded a bit crazy if he were trying to trick Polonius into thinking he was lovesick? Overall, it was nice and did hint at his insanity without her in his life.I really like how you said he wouldn't be able to live a normal life without her with him

stw923 said...

Kevin, this is a good start, but there really isn't too much detail or description to it. I don't feel that there is any depth to the character that you are trying to create as an extension to the play. I would love to have seen what kind of emotion you felt that Hamlet would put into a letter like this.